We arrived in Kansas City yesterday just in time for Madeline's 2 Month Birthday!
We are so excited that everyone else is getting the chance to hangout with our little angel! Madeline was perfect on our trip here. Lucky for us she slept for most of the drive!
Madeline also had her 2 month vacinations on Monday of the week. I think it was more traumatic for me then it was for her.
Madeline and Teddy on the eve of her 2 month Birthday... We figured it was close enough since we left at 4:30 a.m.
Madeline on a bare changing pad after her bath. She had peed on all of them and they were all in the wash!
Maddie in her gown... she was making the silliest faces.Of course I couldn't catch it when I got the camera out!
Maddie gets a bath at Grandma Christy's House!
Little Angel