... and suddenly every thing is all right. We have always had a battle keeping shoes on dear Maddie. She is a shoeless (and sockless) girl just like her Mama. I got these super cute shoes for a shower gift and now she is big enough for them! With the right socks Maddie can rock out in her pink sneaks! She now jumps higher in the jumperoo and is able to get more leverage when she is working on practicing her crawling!
Mama got her hair done! Thank goodness! It has been a long time and she really needed it!
It has been a weekend full of firsts for Maddie. She got to try Apple Juice and attempt to eat Puffs. She didn't really seem to notice that she was drinking anything different when she got her first sip of the sweet stuff.
Maddie is most definitely a mover and a shaker. She can scoot herself into some pretty funny situations. Here she is stuck under the couch!
She is such a little personality, just like her Daddy!