I feel like I have not been taking enough photos. Every minute is so special to me and I wish I was pulling out the camera more! Though when I do get pics.. I seem to be really catching her personality. It is so funny to us that we have a little person running around (well crawling really fast) who is saying mama and baba!
Maddie's personality is so cute. It's funny to see her change moods and modes. Sometimes she prefers Brian because he defintely makes her laugh and smile more, but sometimes she likes to just snuggle with mama and hangout.
This photo really makes me smile.. she was crawling around in her mixed-matched outfit (ala Daddy) and screaming at the top of her little lungs.
Mmmm.... tasty shoe! Maddie loves to take her socks off and chew on those too!
Helping mama unload the dishwasher.
Maddie the food snob. Sticking her nose up at dinner, little does she know some of her dinner is up her nose! Maddie still prefers sweet foods over vegetables.Though she will tolerate sweet potatoes and squash(and sometimes peas). It is very odd to us since both Brian and I will eat just about anything in the food category.